Tribute Pages

Virgil Laing Memorial

Virgil Laing passed away in April of 2023 and had been suffering from Parkinson's and ALS for several years. The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the ALS Association provided our family with education, support, supplies, equipment, and access to specialized healthcare in support of treating Virgil's illness.
This Tribute page honors the memory of our loved one. ALS is a difficult and trying journey but your support and love throughout this journey will always stay within our hearts. If you would like to support those braving their ALS journey, please read on and give serious consideration to making a donation in honor of our ALS HERO. 
ALS affects more than nerve cells and muscles, it affects families, friends, co-workers, and communities. With no known cause or cure, ALS challenges the human spirit and tests the courage of everyone touched by this devestating disease. 
Because there is no known cause or cure for ALS, there is an urgency for more research and financial support. Your donation today will help provide much needed services, which can be incredibly expensive and hard to obtain. The estimated out-of-pocket cost for the care of a person living with ALS is over $250,000. Visit to learn more about the different types of donations you can make to the ALS Association Rocky Mountain Chapter. 
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